In the next post I will share my opinion about Chilean education, recycling,Immigration and legalization of marijuana.
First of all, talking about education is always a controversial topic in Chile, students are fighting for a free and quality education, to overcome the rigidity of the Chilean education system and that this is more in line with contingencies and new forms of learning Given the context of globalization in which we are invested, in my opinion education must overcome the past system, it must be open to other learning methods, not everything is learned with books and in a classroom.
With regard to recycling, this issue is an emergency, it is necessary for human beings to change our mentality, given our cultural teachings we are totally affected by the lack of awareness in recycling, it is very important that recycling is a subject that permeates all people, where in my view education should have a fundamental role.
Immigration in our country has been an issue that has shown explosive growth in recent years, the massive arrival of migrants to the nation has given a puzzle of multiple cultures that come to enrich our country, and that leaves it in a situation that Chileans still do not know, which is interculturality, we are far from being a country that has that conception of respect and learning for different cultures.
The legalization of marijuana a very controversial issue, but at the same time very normal, the use of marijuana is very common in young people and adults, the fact that it is illegal seems to me clearly an economic issue, political elites restrict marijuana to Despite its medicinal or recreational uses, I see no crime in consumption. It is an issue that in my opinion should be legalized, you can not cover the sun with a finger.
For me, the quality education is one of the most important topics of the education in Chile